The IOTPD is the international network of organizations dedicated to offering professional dancers the resources and support they need when facing the end of their performance career and preparing to pursue a new career.

Why dancers need retraining support

  • Professional dancers make a major contribution to culture & the economy, but the performing life is intense, insecure & short. When the career inevitably comes to an end the dancer faces a difficult challenge when considering what to do next and how to do it.

The IOTPD...

  • Develops initiatives to raise understanding of dancer transition issues worldwide.
  • Works with those in and outside the dance community to develop possible solutions to transition challenges.
  • Supports and advises groups, organizations and countries seeking to establish transition programs.
  • Empowers dancers to manage the career transition process themselves.
  • Represents the transition concerns of dancers in an international forum, such as UNESCO & the European Union.
Ten countries have programs to support dancers in transition.
Founding of the IOTPD

The International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers was formed in 1993 in Lausanne, Switzerland at the initiative of Philippe Braunschweig.

With the same energy, discipline, dedication & ambition that characterizes dancers he initiated the Prix de Lausanne and the IOTPD. He made a
significant difference for dance and dancers around the world. Our world is a better place because of his efforts.

Professional dancers play a vital role in reflecting society to itself and others. Dancers contribute economically through their work... Because society benefits from the dancers' art during their dance career and from their activities after transition,
society should assist in the transition process.