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IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant | IOTPD

IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant

The IOTPD is a network of organizations that is dedicated to offering professional dancers the resources & the support they need when it comes to moving into a new career.

IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant

Due to the very nature of the profession many dancers have international careers. Because of their scattered careers these dancers may not meet the eligibility criteria of any one country in order to receive a retraining grant through one of the established transitions centres.

As a tribute to its founder the IOTPD has created the annual IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant for retraining.

This is an education grant meant for professional dancers who have had an international career and who don't qualify for support from any one of the countries where they have danced.

The annual competitive grant is awarded to a dancer, at or near the end of their performance career, who has had an international career and does not qualify for transition support from any one of the countries where they have danced. The grant, sponsored by the IOTPD to honour its Founding President, Philippe Braunschweig, is to help defray the costs associated with retraining for a second career.

Up to € 3000 will be available each year. This amount may be awarded in whole or in part depending on the need.


The dancer must:

• Not qualify for transition/retraining support from any one of the countries where he/she has danced

• Have performed as a dancer at some point within the 24 month period preceding the IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig Grant deadline for which he/she is applying

• Have been a professional dancer for a minimum of 8 years

• Have danced a minimum of 48 months during the 8 year minimum time period

• Have had an international professional dance career with contracts in at least two countries, one of which must be an IOTPD member country listed below:

Canada: Dancer Transition Resource Centre (DTRC) www.dtrc.ca

France: Centre National de la Danse (CND) www.cnd.fr

Germany: STIFTUNG TANZ - Transition Zentrum Deutschland www.stiftung-tanz.com

Korea: Dancer's Career Development Centre (DCDC) www.dcdcenter.or.kr

Switzerland: Danse Transition www.dance-transition.ch

Switzerland: Umschulungsstiftung SSUDK www.ssudk.ch

The Netherlands: Stichting Omscholingsregeling Dansers (SOD) www.omscholingdansers.nl

United Kingdom: Dancers' Career Development (DCD) www.thedcd.org.uk

USA: Career Transition For Dancers (CTFD) www.careertransition.org

Poland: Instytut Muzyki i Tańca www.imit.org.pl

The application deadline is November 1st, 2022. Applicants will be informed of IOTPD's decision by July 1st 2020.